Agricultural & Livestock Products

We aim to add value to various agricultural produce and target the export and local wholesale markets thus linking the Zambian farmer to niche markets.

Natural Food

Groundnuts, Popcorns, Cassava, Millet, Sorghum, Soya beans,  Maize

Local Market

Leading Agricultural Commodity and Livestock products Distributor


Our products have been supplied abroad all over the world. 

About Musanvu

Leading Wholesale Suppliers & Distributors

We aim to be one of the leading distributors of authentic Zambian Food within and abroad. We aim to be the bridge between the farmer, the manufacturer and the market and be one of the market leaders in the wholesale supply and distribution of agricultural and livestock products. 


To be one of the leading wholesale suppliers and distributors of quality Agricultural and livestock products in Zambia and beyond through unique value addition at various levels in the value chain as well as guaranteeing value for money.


One of the market leaders in the provision of high quality post-harvest products.

The Proprietors

Morgan Chipopu is an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of experience. He is a published writer and manager. He has hands on experience having worked for one of the top food distribution company in Zambia as Operations Manager for more than 8 years.

Our Products

Cassava Products

These come in our Musanvu labeled polythene bags weighing 20 kgs either as soaked then sun dried or unsoaked sun dried chips, meal or flour depending on client needs


These come in our Musanvu labeled polythene bags weighing 25 kgs either as grain or milled depending on client needs

Groundnuts products

These come in our Musanvu labeled polythene bags weighing 25 kgs either as shelled or crashed depending on client needs





Who We Are

Special Support & Caring Agency

To provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology. Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

Farmer Care
Happy Customer


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